Jesus set aside divinity, empty of divine capacity (Bill Johnson sermon)

This is a video of the Alabaster House of Bethel Church of Redding, California. According to the Bethel Redding website it is a place to “be in contemplative prayer and enjoy God’s presence.” You are listening to the voice of Bill Johnson from a sermon given some years ago, and Johnson is poisoning his flock with the heretical doctrine of kenosis. He wants them to believe that Jesus gave up his divinity and performed miracles etc. solely via the power of the Holy Spirit. This is false. This is not what Philippians 2:7 means at all.

but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men. (Phil 2:7)

According to Bill Johnson (Start at 2:37): If the Spirit of God is on a person, so what’s going on? Jesus was so empty of divine capacity. Eternally God, but He chose to live with the restrictions as man. Why? To set a model. To set something to follow, an example. His lifestyle … if He did all of his miracles as God I’m still impressed, but I’m not compelled to follow. I just stand back and go that’s amazing God, do some more, that’s awesome do some more God but when I find out that He set aside divinity

Bonus kenosis quote: According to Bill Johnson, Christ “performed miracles, wonders, and signs, as a man in right relationship to God . . . not as God. If He performed miracles because He was God, then they would be unobtainable for us. But if He did them as a man, I am responsible to pursue His lifestyle. Recapturing this simple truth changes everything.” — Bill Johnson, When Heaven Invades Earth: A Practical Guide to a Life of Miracles, op. cit., Kindle location: 259.

Christ never separated Himself from his divinity. He limited Himself, but not in the way Bill Johnson teaches. This will be covered in the article “Bill Johnson, Kenosis, and The Chosen Bible Consultant,” which, God willing, will be posted soon.

3 thoughts on “Jesus set aside divinity, empty of divine capacity (Bill Johnson sermon)

  1. Nothing new under the sun.
    As Jesus divinely foretold, false teachers false christs
    will arise who desire to lead His disciples astray. This heresy and most all other false heresies were condemned centuries ago. Most false teachers begin with a premise and twist scripture to fit.
    Before Christ was incarnate, Hellenistic thinking favored understanding all religions using allegorical interpretations. This was smugly favorable to the intelligentsia. Only the peasants understand things literally. It was this false mindset that is the basis for amillinialism. Paul knew how to educate his disciples. He said as much many times. The biggest impediment to educating the church today is the entire seeker friendly deception.


  2. Sadly, they badly misunderstand God’s will and priority for His people, which is to grow into Christ’s character, not to duplicate His wonders. The apostle Paul sets forth the inspired and authoritative pattern of godly life and prayer, and much of the standard by which to evaluate all teachings, including Bethel’s:


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