Contemplative prayer on IHOP-KC’s “Core Values” list

The following list of IHOP-KC VALUES has been removed from the web:


A. Values that are not implemented are not values. We need to ensure that we have a values conversion. We must help all IHOP-KC staff implement the IHOP-KC values.

B. Passion for Jesus via the Knowledge of God

1. Bridal paradigm of the Kingdom – Jesus as Bridegroom, King and Judge

2. Contemplative Prayer in intimacy with God – sitting at the feet of Jesus is not a waste. We emphasize “being” (who we are in God) more than “doing” (accomplishing tasks for God). Emphasizing being a lover of God before being a worker for God. Deep communion with the Holy Spirit. Absorbed in the contemplation of God. Inspire people to love Jesus passionately as extravagant lovers – Matt. 22:37; John 17:26; SoS 8:6. [2] (Emphasis mine)

Note that the Core Values list states, “We need to ensure that we have a values conversion. We must help all IHOP-KC staff implement the IHOP-KC values.”