Bethel Music–A Trojan Horse

May be an image of 1 person, monument and text that says 'WHEN AN ENEMY OF THE CHURCH UNKNOWINGLY REVEALS SATAN'S SCHEMES f FAMINE IN THE LAND "Music bypasses all of the intellectual barriers, and when the anointing of God is on a song, people will begin to believe things they wouldn't believe through teaching" Bill Johnson BETHEL MUSIC'

According to Rick Becker of Famine In The Land:

Music is a powerful medium, a catalyst for our emotions. Way back in 1713 Johann Mattheson, a German music theorist, made the connection between major and minor keys, and the moods they induce. Two examples – D# minor- distress, melancholy, angst; D major – triumphant, victorious war-cries. Music can make you “feel” something. This can be problematic – not so much if you’re watching a fictional movie, but if you’re worshiping God it becomes a really important issue.

Those enchanted by Bethel music have felt something. Their mood has been affected, and most equate this with the working of the Holy Spirit. It’s not just the key changes or repetitive/mantra type of lyrics that sway the crowd- it’s the intentional atmosphere created by the worship band. Lights are dimmed, the band is professional, singers are good, and the “worship” leader manipulates the audience by declaring that “the presence of God is in this place.”

There will be some biblical lyrics of course, but unbiblical lyrics are not questioned, because the subjective (emotions) has replaced the objective (biblical truth). As a result, “worshipers” have an encounter….with their emotions. Johnson places a high value on all kinds of “power encounters,” which may include “encounters” during worship.

In his book When Heaven Invades Earth, [Bill Johnson] writes: “An encounter with God is often a power encounter. Such encounters vary from person to person according to God’s design. And it’s the lack of power encounters that lead to a misunderstanding of God and his word. Experience is necessary in building a true knowledge of the word.”

What nonsense! The implication is that his naive and biblically ignorant followers think that the word of God to some degree is ineffective – unless they’ve had some sort of experience.

Johnson discards sound exegesis of God’s word (using the mind) and suggests that these encounters (the subjective) define truth (the objective). However, it’s impossible to worship God if we discard truth (John 4:24). Johnson uses the phrase “intellectual barrier” in a negative sense because he views the mind (with which we are instructed to love God – Matt 22:37) as an obstacle to the workings of the Holy Spirit.

We know the result of this error – “encounters with God & angels” that are the result of a vivid imagination or the demonic.Sadly, many of those who’ve been “moved” by Bethel music believe that if God is present in their music (evidenced by what they felt or encountered), God must be present in their teachings. That’s how the teachings sneak in, and in many cases captivate a whole church/congregation.

It begins with Bethel music, and before you can sing “heaven meets earth like a sloppy wet kiss” the church is offering a “school of supernatural ministry.” Music bypasses the mind, Bill Johnson’s teachings bypass the truth contained in the scriptures.We cannot worship in “spirit and truth” when we have rejected the truth inspired by the Holy Spirit – the scriptures. Bethel rejects the truth – reject Bethel.”The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false,” 2 Thessalonians 2:9-11.

Famine In The Land articles on Bethel –

Bonus information: The New Age Propensities Of Bethel’s Bill Johnson

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