Is The Chosen aimed at women ages 25 to 45?

According to the woman who researched and produced this excellent 5 minutes and 58 seconds long video, “Derral Eves, the Mormon who is Executive Producer of The Chosen wrote a book called The YouTube Formula, where he reveals his strategy behind The Chosen.”

Derral Eves writes, “We knew we wanted to resonate our message and vision with a specific persona (25-to 45-year old female, married or unmarried, church goer, volunteer.)” [1]

Early in the video (27 seconds) the question is asked, “Why would Dallas Jenkins and the producers of The Chosen feel that they could change the narrative of the Bible and replace four men who brought a paralytic to Jesus with a woman?”

Dallas Jenkins in the episode has his “authentic Jesus” [2] telling the fictitious Ethiopean woman, “Your faith is beautiful.”

Why could Jenkins not present it as it actually happened according to the Bible:

Then they came to Him, bringing a paralytic who was carried by four men.

And when they could not come near Him because of the crowd, they uncovered the roof where He was. So when they had broken through, they let down the bed on which the paralytic was lying.

When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralytic, “Son, your sins are forgiven you.” (Mark 2:3-5)

While The Chosen may have targeted women as viewers, the show has clearly appealed to men and women of all ages. And as the truth about The Chosen continues to be revealed, it would be good to remember that many people were initially drawn to The Chosen because they wanted a wholesome show, one that could be shared with family members and friends, both saved and unsaved.

Many initially believed The Chosen could be used as an evangelistic tool.

But now, after two seasons, it is evident the “authentic Jesus” is not in The Chosen. The show is serving as a vehicle to drive a false, interfaith Christ into the hearts of many.

Source Notes:

1. The YouTube Formula by Derral Eves, p.150

2. A phrase favored by Dallas Jenkins, creator of The Chosen, and Derral Eves, the show’s Executive Producer.

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